With the shootings being cancelled or postponed since the lockdown, popular TV star Aashka Goradia is getting to spend some quality time with husband Brent Goble in Goa, where he runs a Yoga school. In fact, the actress was visiting him there when the lockdown was announced and so she decided to stay on. And while there, Aashka is making the most of her time honing her Yoga skills as well as pursuing her love for riding bikes. “Yes, I enjoy riding bikes and I do that a lot when I’m in Goa,” the actress shared.
Making another revelation about herself, Aashka tells us that she’s quite a prankster at heart as well. Talking about some of her quirks that not many know about, the gorgeous Naagin actress says, “Well, I’m pretty mischievous and I love to pull pranks. I love to tease, but not like in a negative way, in a fun way sorts.” The actress adds that she is also known to scare off unwanted people! “I have scared off many people who’ve tried to eve-tease. I’ve done that in many different ways, and sometimes very embarrassing ways too. In fact, I am quite a ‘shooer’. If you meet a couple of my old friends, they’d tell you that Aashka is quite handy in shooing away unwanted people especially when they try to do something wrong.”
As for her pranks, Aashka says that she plays them only with people who she knows would take it lightly and in the right spirit and her favourite happens to be Brent. “Well, I wouldn’t call it a fun prank, but a healthy prank. So, I like adding a bit of ghee to my morning coffee and Brent hates it. So since I get to make his coffee, I add it in his coffee too! And when he gets his coffee, he’s like there’s ghee in it. Well, of course he knows the benefits, but he just doesn’t like it,” laughs Aashka. And does that upset him? “No, Brent never gets angry with my pranks, in fact he plays along. He’s the most fun partner to have fun with,” adds the star with a smile.