Ankita Lokhande turned 34 yesterday and is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. After the trailer launch of the film day before, the team got together to celebrate Ankita’s birthday at night. The internet has been abuzz with Ankita’s birthday pictures and also with reports of her tying the knot with long-term boyfriend Vicky Jain in 2019. The relationship has got its seal of approval as well from both sides of families. Amongst all invitees present at Ankita’s celebrations, Vicky was seen cosying up with the birthday girl.
Ankita wore a stunning shimmery red dress, and was joined by her new BFF and co-star Kangana Ranaut who had donned a beautiful tulle dress. The guests included Mouni Roy, TV actress Sanjeeda Shaikh, casting director Mukesh Chhabra and fashion designer Neeta Lulla.
Check out Ankita Lokhande’s birthday celebration pictures below: