Birthday boy Vatsal Sheth keeps it a low-key affair with wife Ishita Dutta

Keeping in with the times of a pandemic, Vatsal Sheth has opted to keep his birthday a low-key affair. And besides wife-actress Ishita Dutta, in attendance will be only a few very close family members. While the Tarzan – The Wonder Car actor has been inundated by calls and wishes from his friends, fans and well-wishers, the actor reveals that a small birthday celebration is in order but with close family members and all sanitizing and social distancing norms in check.

We wished Vatsal a very happy birthday and spoke to him about it. “Well, we didn’t have any elaborate discussion on this. It was understood that it is not going to be any big celebrations currently. These are times of great distress and turmoil and we are in the middle of it. We have to follow all the protocols and we can’t take out foot off the pedal now. Hopefully we get out of this situation soon. Let’s have a very small celebration if at all. Let’s stay positive and follow the protocols currently to avoid covid – 19.”

Interestingly, the adorable couple has been making the most of the lockdown – while Ishita has rediscovered her love for painting, Vatsal has turned producer and even made a music video. But that’s not all. The two have been keeping the fans entertained with their series of fun videos that the duo shares on their handles. Well, here’s wishing all the love and success and a very happy birthday to the ever versatile Vatsal Sheth.