Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got married on November 14 and 15 at Villa Del Balbianello, Lake Como in Italy. The couple married as per Konkani customs on 14th and Anand Karaj ceremony happened on the 15th. Their wedding dates were announced to public – three weeks before the marriage. On December 1, 2018 the couple hosted a wedding reception in Mumbai and invited their friends and colleagues from the industry. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt did not attend the wedding reception of Deepika and Ranveer. They had given it a miss and sources informed us that they were shooting for their film Brahmastra on that day.
Deepika was asked, whether she spoke to Ranbir Kapoor on Famously Filmfare about not coming for her wedding reception. She said, “We’ve not spoken. I mean, we spoke before the reception but we have not spoken after. But, that’s him. I’m not surprised at all. But, that’s the relationship we share and that’s the beauty of that relationship; so much is said without saying much at all.” After Deepika and Ranbir’s break-up, the two of them have collaborated on many projects together.
There were reports in media about Deepika removing her ‘RK’ tattoo ahead of her wedding to Ranveer Singh. However, Deepika’s tattoo was visible but in lighter shades when she attended Isha Ambani’s wedding ceremony with husband Ranveer Singh.