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DIY Nail-Care Tips!

We often neglect the care our nails deserve due to our busy schedules , but taking care of your nails is extremely necessary for, health as well as cosmetic reasons as it helps prevent the growth fungus in your nails, avoids the problem of ingrown fingernails and any sort of infections present around the nails

Here are 3 quick and easy ways by which you can take care of your nails.

1.Sea Salt Soak

Dipping your finger tips in sea salt is a perfect relaxing and helpful solution for your nails. It helps soften the cuticles and strengthen your nails at the same time. Other benefits of using sea salt includes the fact that it provides shine to your nails, helps remove dead skin and rejuvenate healthy nail growth. All you need to do is add a tablespoon of sea salt to water and stir it well, dip in your fingers for about 10 minutes. Repeat this hack on a regular base to see a difference.

2. Olive oil

Another excellent home remedy to help your nails is using Olive oil. Using olive oil will help keep your nails shiny ,but at the same time provide nourishment to your cuticles. For this hack clean your nails and dip it in a small bowl of olive oil for about 10 minutes. Repeat this hack to provide consistent nourishment to your cuticles and help maintain the hygiene of your nails.

3. Vitamin E oil massage

Using Vitamin E oil is another DIY home remedy to try. It helps provide moisture to brittle nails. It helps keep the nails hydrated and nourished at all times. All you’ll need to do is extract oil out of the Vitamin E capsules and rub it over your nails on a regular basis to maintain the source of nourishment it requires.

Use this quick and easy hacks to provide your nails with the necessary care it requires.

Contributed by Dhara Shah