Priyanka and Nick had a lavish ceremony last weekend in Jodhpur, where they tied the knot. The bride and groom later flew to New Delhi with their families for the reception. And yesterday, the couple hosted their grand reception in the capital which was celebrated with close ones. Nickyanka obliged the paparazzi and their families too posed for the shutterbugs. Priyanka Chopra wore a phenomenal beige and silver embellished lehenga and Nick Jonas wore a royal blue suit and well-fitted pair of black pants. Narendra Modi had also attended the reception of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas held at the Taj Mahal Hotel in New Delhi. Pictures of the PM of India sharing a light moment with the couple has begun to go viral on the internet.
Videos of the couple enjoying themselves at the reception have been also floating around online. Both sides of families were spotted celebrating the union of two lovers. We have brought all the inside pictures and videos from Nick and Priyanka’s Delhi reception for you…