Pradeep Sarkar directorial, Helicopter Eela, is inching close to release. It stars Kajol and National Award Winner Riddhi Sen in the lead. Written by Mitesh Shah, the film is co-produced by Ajay Devgn and Jayantilal Gada of Pen India Ltd. Following the trend of recreating iconic songs, this time it’s Ajay Devgn’s Ruk ruk ruk from Vijaypath, which will be included in Helicopter Eela.
For those of you who don’t know, Kajol plays the role of a singer in the film. The revamped version of Ruk ruk ruk will be recreated by Raghav Sachar. When asked about her character in Eela of being an obsessive mother, Kajol recently said, “I think most mothers are like Eela. Indian moms generally… all of us are Eela, but the degree of obsession can change from one mother to another.”
Helicopter Eela is slated for its release on October 12.