Nafisa Ali Sodhi, a veteran actor shared on social media yesterday that she has been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. She posted a photo with her friend, Sonia Gandhi on Instagram with a message, “Just met my precious friend who wished me luck and to get well from my just diagnosed stage 3 cancer”. Recently, Sonali Bendre had shared being diagnosed with high grade cancer which has metastised. She is currently in NYC and is undergoing treatment. On the other hand, Irrfan Khan has been diagnosed with NET. He is in London since last couple of months and will be returning to India soon.
Tahira Kashyap also posted on social media that she had to undergo mastectomy after getting diagnosed with grade 0 cancer. Nafisa is pretty active on social media and she often shares selfies and family pictures. As soon as, she shared the news of being diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, her fans as well as well-wishers posted prayers and wishes. Nafisa Ali has been in many iconic films and has been an activist. She was a part of the recently released “Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster 3”.
She has worked in movies like Life in a Metro, Junoon, Major Saab, Yamla Pagla Deewana and many more. Nafisa, also contested the Lok Sabha election in the year 2009 from Lucknow. She rejoined the Congress party in the same year.
Nafisa Ali is married to Col R.S. Sodhi and has three children namely Armana, Pia and Ajit.