Quantico star and our very own Bollywood superstar Priyanka Chopra apologised for an episode in her American TV show. The episode has already received a lot of backlash on the internet, with fans slamming the actress. In the episode, Priyanka Chopra aka Alex Parrish plots a nuclear attack in Manhattan to frame Pakistan for it, just a few days before an Indo-Pak summit is to be held. After the episode was aired, the actress received criticism from the Indian fans. Priyanka Chopra plays the role of an anti-terrorist officer in the show.
Soon after the backlash, PC apologised to her fans saying, “I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I’m a proud Indian and that will never change,”
The producers of ABC that air Quantico even mentioned that Chopra has been unfairly targeted in the whole situation. The Quantico episode had aired on June 1 worldwide.
A spokesperson from the ABC studios released a statement to the US media saying, “ABC Studios and the executive producers of Quantico would like to extend an apology to our audience who were offended by the most recent episode, The Blood of Romeo. The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it.”