Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor were once the most rooted for couple off screen. While their relationship might have ended years ago, the two continue to share an impeccable chemistry off and on the screen even today. The two have worked in three movies together, out of which two were post their break-up. While we love to see the two together on screen, they have no future projects coming up. Ranbir Kapoor is currently working on Brahmastra with present girlfriend Alia Bhatt and Deepika has taken a break from the movies to plan her grand wedding with Ranveer Singh that is due this November.
Talking about the matters of the heart, Deepika in a recent interview said, “I wouldn’t say I’m impulsive. But I am extremely emotional. I’m fully ruled by my heart. I couldn’t be happier with where I am in my life, professionally or personally. I’m not missing anything.”
When asked by her first director Farah Khan if she’s a tease, Deepika was quick to answer, “That’s what Ranbir Kapoor says. He’s the first person who had the guts to tell me that to my face.”