After a private wedding at Lake Como, Italy; last night on the 28th of November 2018 Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh brought their wedding party back home to India at the Grand Hyatt, Mumbai in serious style. The couple gave us a first look at their immaculately coordinated gold and ivory outfits on their respective social media accounts, sharing one close up picture, and one full-length picture.
Deepika’s saree is from the collections of designer duo Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla, and is beautifully executed, despite the relatively muted tones, the enhanced draping and the addition of the self-worked cape really bring the wow factor to this look. In perfect harmony and complimenting her look, Ranveer is in a Rohit Bal creation. The fitted sherwani paired with an unconventionally loose, flowy pant, accessorized with the draping of the exaggerated stole displays a close attention to ensuring that Deepveer look just as in sync in their ensembles as they are in their relationship. We found the fact that Ranveer opted to match tones with the Padukones whilst his side of the family, the Bhavanis, wore black and gold to be a simple, yet heartwarming touch.
In the second image we get a closer look at the details and can we just take a moment to appreciate just how aesthetically pleasing they are? The delicate chikankari embroidery on Deepika and the intricate embroidery emphasizing Ranveer’s shoulders is everything.
Deepika’s simple dewy makeup look might seem a little unorthodox for a new bride, but on her, it is so fitting because it is focused towards accentuating her features and I think we can all agree that there is nothing simple about them. The bronze rounded eyeshadow accentuates their doe-like shape, making them look bigger than ever. The soft warm contour with the natural highlighted cheek and brow bones play up her iconic facial structure. We would argue that the warmth in the look makes her look soft and elegant, and every bit bridal. The pops of red with the traditional red bangles and sindoor are just the exact right amount. Somehow, they are simultaneously contrasting and complementary with the rest of the look, adding that little bit of tradition to an otherwise unconventional bridal choice, the cool-toned ivory brings out the warmth of the vermillion, tying the look together.
Overall, we think that the beautifully crafted looks make the pair look regal and elegant.