Salman Khan and Disha Patani were in the midst of prepping for shooting the final leg of their film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai abroad, when the lockdown was put in place. And now with the lockdown being eased out, Salman and Disha are reportedly set to shoot the remaining portions of the film. However, instead of flying to the foreign locale as was the original plan, the duo will now be shooting in a city studio itself.
Salman and Disha with the rest of the cast were to fly to Azerbaijan to shoot an action sequence and a song. However, the trip was called off due to the pandemic and the shooting stalled. Now, the makers have planned to resume and shoot the remaining portions in a city studio. The team is contemplating shooting it against a green screen now with visual effects making it appear like it’s been shot abroad. There are only 10-12 days of work left in the film.
If the theatres open by October-November, then Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai might have a Diwali release. Initially, Salman wanted to release the movie during Eid. However, the lockdown prevented that from happening. Directed by Prabhudheva, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai will also feature Randeep Hooda and Jackie Shroff in pivotal roles.