Sara Ali Khan celebrated her 25th birthday in Goa where she’s been on a vacay since quite a while. The actress had earlier this month even celebrated Raksha Bandhan there and posted fun video and pics with brother Ibrahim. The fun clearly continued through the birthday (August 12) and the actress shared some of the lovely moments on her social media. Take a look:
Among the many wishes that poured in were loving messages from Anushka Sharma, Kiara Advani, Ananya Panday and a special one by her Coolie No 1 co-star Varun Dhawan which had a boomerang video from the sets of their film. In the video Varun is seen kissing Sara on the cheek cutely and with reference to their film, alongwith his wish, he captioned it: “Stay PG-13, but number 1 in Raju’s heart.” Check out the full post here:
Sara had earlier in the day posted a beautiful message filled with cute emojis dedicated to her mom, actress Amrita Singh, that said, “Quarter Century Ho Gayi!!! From being a Pup Mommy to a Human Mommy Love you Maa”
Check out the adorable post here:
Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan announced their second pregnancy on Sara’s birthday too. “We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family !!Thank you to all our well wishers for all their love and support.
❤️ Saif and Kareena,” the couple shared. And among the wishes that came in for the couple was Saif’s sister, actress Soha Ali Khan who inspired by ‘The Godfather’ jokingly called Saif Ali Khan the ‘Quadfather’!