Skincare straight off the kitchen shelves!

Much before lotions and ointments came into existence, skincare came from the kitchen. And while over time the home-goodies gave way to ready-made skin products available in the markets, it’s always a good idea to reach out for the more organic and natural products off the kitchen shelf every now and then. And we’re here to take you back to your roots and guide you through those kitchen ingredients:

Potatoes are a natural bleach. They help in lightening dark circles and acne marks. All you have to do is juice the potato by grating and squeezing it and applying before washing off in a while.

Turmeric is a great healer. Not only does it help strengthen your immune system, but also helps in taking care of the skin from the outside. For acne, you can mix a bit of turmeric powder with honey or water and apply it on the face or you can apply the juice of raw turmeric.

Curd is an amazing natural conditioner. Applying curd to your hair will give you a smooth and silky texture. In addition, the curd is also a bleach that can help with acne scars.

honey jar with honey combHoney
Honey can be used as a mask for its sticky consistency. You can apply just a layer of honey or honey with curd to your face. It’s believed that it also helps slow down the aging process by tightening the skin.

Lemon contains Vitamin C that helps reduce skin damage, spots, and marks. Lemon reduces oil in the skin due to its high pH levels. Ideally, lemon should be mixed something like honey or water before application, else it may cause itches and burns to the skin.

Onion juice is great for hair growth. The thinning of hair is a common phenomenon among middle-aged men and women. Applying onion juice to the balding areas will help curb hair loss and helps grow hair again.

Raw milk
Raw milk helps nourish skin cells from deep within. It gives a healthy glow to the skin by hydrating and moisturizing it. Milk reduces acne and also helps fade marks.

 (Contributed by Deblina Munshi)