After producing the Tamil film last year, Saudi based, Indian film producer, Vijay Moolan is all set to promote his next big Hindi film – Rocketry: The Nambi Effect, that he has co-produced with superstar R Madhavan. Madhavan has also written, directed and edited the film based on former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan, who was wrongly arrested for espionage. Moolan speaks to Filmfare Middle East, Editor-in-Chief Manju Ramanan on his passion for cinema and scripts that move him!
You grew up in Middle East, tell us how did you consume cinema?
It is not just Middle East that I grew up in. I was born in India, did my early schooling in Saudi Arabia, before I went to the US for my high school until graduation in Engineering. I later went to the UK to complete my MBA. So the cinema I consumed has a lot to do with the various cultural experiences, travels, and the people I have met and the kind of movies I grew up watching. Itís more of a global story from an Indian perspective.
Were you always interested in film making? Which was your first film?
Since childhood, I was always interested in arts, be it pencil drawings, paintings, photography etc. Even though I never received any professional training or experience, I have tried to tell stories with my photos, and film making was just an extension of the passion for photography. My debut film was a dark humour entertainer ëOdu Raja Oduí in Tamil which was released last year. The movie, which was an experiment, was commercially successful and critically acclaimed. The movie was released internationally and had bagged a few international awards as well.
From your family business in spices to cinema, how has the journey been?
Yes, my family business is mainly into spices manufacturing and exports. Under the brand name Varghese Moolan Group of Companies, we have diversified into a lot more fields during the past 35 years, which includes retail chain markets, logistics, E-commerce, organic farming, power generation, health care, etc. of which cinema is our latest venture through our banners Varghese Moolan Pictures and Vijay Moolan Talkies. My dad, Dr. Varghese Moolan too is very passionate about art and film making and it is with his support that I have explored into this industry.
How do you see yourself as an Indian film producer in the Middle East?
Indian films always had a great reception even with the Arab community. Hence I see this as a responsibility rather than an opportunity to bridge the gap between the huge talent in the Middle East and the opportunities available in India. I will look to create more platforms and opportunities for aspiring artists.
Tell us about Rocketry and working with R Madhavan?
The movie Rocketry-The Nambi Effect, is the inspirational biopic of the great ISRO scientist Sri Nambi Narayanan, directed by R. Madhavan starring Madhavan himself and Simran in the lead roles. It is a dream project and a dream come true to be part of such a great project which is being made in 5 languages. Iíve known Maddy personally for quite a long while now and Iíve always wanted to work with him someday. He is an amazing human being and there is much more to him than the actor we all know. During this movie, I got to see the professional side of him and how dedicated and hardworking he is towards his art and how inspirational he is to every member of the crew. Hence, working with him on his directorial debut is nothing less than a blessing to us.
Also, watch Vijay Moolan talk about Rocketry- The Nambi Effect