Zareen Khan, who launched her YouTube channel a few months ago, has now gone ahead and launched her own website. Keen to have a direct connect with the fans, the Housefull 2 actress will share the latest updates on her upcoming projects and songs as well as her personal life through this newly-launched website. Called ‘Happy Hippie Zareen’, the website’s name is something that the actress has claimed on numerous occasions, best describes her.
The website has a fun and colourful user interface curated to suit the actress’ lively and quirky personality. Talking about it, Zareen says, “I’m really excited to introduce my first official website. It is registered by the name of ‘Happy Hippie Zareen’ as that’s what describes me the best. The website features my works, pictures and all other facts that my fans wanted to know about me and it will also have first-hand information about all my future projects. I am looking forward to connecting with my fans from across the globe through the website.”
Check out the website here:
Zareen has been much lauded by the industry for being so outspoken and vocal, not just by sharing candid and up close and personal details of her life, but by voicing her opinion on socially relevant subjects. She has also kept her doting fans entertained with social interactions, live streams and posts.