Salman Khan’s tryst with controversies is a never ending one. While the actor has had several close encounters with criminal cases, earlier this year, Salman Khan was convicted in the 1998 Blackbuck case with a sentence of 5 years imprisonment. After spending two night in the jail, Salman was granted a bail on the condition that the actor must seek permission from the judiciary before traveling overseas, to which he complied during his last few foreign trips.
It was on this Friday that went by, when Salman Khan submitted an application asking for exemption from the above condition. After a hearing on the case today, the court rejected Salman’s plea and implied that he must take permission every time he has to travel outside the country. Salman Khan’s defence lawyer tried to reason out the need to travel for his profession, but the public prosecutor objected to the plea suggesting that a final hearing on the judgment of the case is due soon and a permanent exemption from the condition would be inappropriate.