While Bollywood has several iconic on-screen pairs, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan remain the single most loved duo in Bollywood ever since they came together for the first time. Be it Karan Arjun, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai or even now when the two will be seen together in Zero, the audiences go berserk when the two come together for anything.
With such a strong bond and an even stronger hold as the superstars of Bollywood, fans are always curious about the dynamics the two Khans share in real life. During an #AskSRK session on social media, a fan asked Shah Rukh to describe Salman in one work and his response was, “‘Bhai’ se badhkar kya ho sakta hai for someone like me who lost his parents so early in life. Best way to describe Salman is Bhai…”
‘Bhai’ se badhkar kya ho sakta hai for someone like me who lost his parents so early in life. Best way to describe Salman is Bhai… https://t.co/CaQT780LRG
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) November 3, 2018