
3 Must know beauty benefits of lemon!

Lemon besides being a natural solvent for many health problems has great beauty benefits as well.

Here are 3 Must know beauty benefits of lemon.

1. Acne healer

Lemon consist of citric acid which is known for its drying effects which reduces sebum present on your skin ,it also kills the bacteria present which leads to the creation of acne on your skin. All you’ll need to do is cut lemon slices and rub it over your skin for about 10 minutes and rinse it using lukewarm water. Use this hack whenever you’re stuck with stubborn acne that refuses to leave your face.

2. Perfect ingredient for flawless skin

Lemons are infused with vitamin c, which is an antioxidant as well as a brightening agent. It helps solve the problem of your tired skin and helps rejuvenate your it. All you’ll need to do for this hack is to make drinking water with lemon slices in it a part of your daily routine in order to see an effective change.

3. Ideal remedy for healthy hair

A perfect way to treat and rejuvenate your hair naturally can be by using lemon as it’s a natural solvent for your hair care problems. The umpteen amount of Vitamin c helps clear out your scalp and strengths your hair follicles. All you’ll need for this remedy is to soak your hair in lemon juice for about 10 minutes before your shower and rinse it off with the help of some shampoo and cold water. Repeat this hack once a week to see better results.

Contributed by Dhara Shah


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