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A visual treat for star-gazers as shooting stars to light up UAE skies tonight!

The spectacular annual December Geminid meteor shower to peak tonight with as many as 120 shooting stars expected to be seen per hour

It’s that time of the year when the UAE skies are filled with the spectacular meteor showers. As per the reports, the annual December Geminid meteor shower is on between December 4th and 16th. But it’s on the nights of December 13 and 14 when the showers are expected to be at their peak with up to 120 shooting stars to be seen per hour lighting up the UAE skies.

Wondering what to do in Dubai? Make the most of this visual extravaganza. Head to Abu Dhabi. The Dubai Astronomy Group has organised a family-friendly night under the open skies tonight (on December 13) at the Al Razeen desert in Abu Dhabi from 10pm to 4am.