Producer Deepshikha Deshmukh and young politician Dhiraj Deshmukh, marked their 12th wedding anniversary by announcing themselves as beekeepers, becoming the first Indian couple to embrace beekeeping. Globally, many celebrities like Scarlett Johansson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martha Stewart and Morgan Freeman have dedicated themselves to preserving our planet’s essential pollinators.
Deepshikha, celebrated for her contributions to entertainment, shared, “Bees play a very crucial role in our world as pollinators. Without bees, there wouldn’t be life as we know it. By becoming beekeepers, we aim to contribute to their preservation and support biodiversity.”
Dhiraj, carrying his father Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh Ji’s legacy forward , has earned the respect of Maharashtra’s youth with his leadership. Known for his down-to-earth nature and strong connection to his roots in Latur, and his commitment to championing farmers’ causes, focusing on creating wealth for them.
The couple’s heartwarming anniversary pictures, often featuring family moments in nature, reflect their dedication to teaching their children the value of Mother Earth. Their images not only capture love but also set a shining example for the next generation to cherish and protect our environment.
As they celebrate their special day, Deepshikha and Dhiraj’s adorable simple images are sure to warm your hearts.