Actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on June 14, 2020, and his sudden demise left everyone in a state of shock. His Raabta co-star Kriti Sanon paid her last respects to the actor yesterday at the funeral. Today, Kriti took to Instagram to express a heartwarming note over the sudden demise of Sushant Singh Rajput.
She wrote,
Sush.. I knew that your brilliant mind was your best friend and your worst enemy.. but it has broken me completely to know that you had a moment in your life where Dying felt easier or better than Living. I so wish you had people around you to get you past THAT moment, i wish you hadn’t pushed the ones who loved you away.. i wish i could have fixed that something which was broken inside you..I couldn’t..
I wish so so many things….
A part of my heart has gone with you..💔 and a part will always keep you alive..
Never stopped praying for your happiness and never will..❤️
Even Kriti’s sister Nupur Sanon had shared a photo with Sushant and remembered her dear friend.
Sushant Singh Rajput won hearts with his last onscreen performance in ‘Chhichhore’. He had been working on Mukesh Chhabra directed ‘Dil Bechara’, which will now be remembered as his last onscreen act.