Yesterday, Kapil and Ginni who have been together for several years, tied the knot in Jalandhar. It was the same day that, Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal’s wedding took place. The wedding of Kapil and Ginni’s came right after other celebrity weddings like Priyanka-Nick, Deepika-Ranveer and Isha-Anand.
Kapil Sharma has started a new chapter in his life after making his fans laugh with his hilarious jokes. The actor has got married to Ginni Chatrath, his longtime girlfriend. The couple tied the knot in the presence of many telly world and Punjabi film industry biggies. Celebrities who attended the wedding in Jalandhar included names like, Gurdas Maan, Shumona Chakraborty, Krushna Abhishek, Bharti and more. Even though, the wedding was an intimate affair, some of the inside wedding pictures are out.
A jagran was hosted by Kapil Sharma’s family on Tuesday. This was attended by friends and colleagues like Krushna Abhishek and Bharti Singh. Some pictures at the venue in Amritsar were shared online. The same day, Ginni took part in her mehendi ceremony.
Let’s check them out..
The duo were looking sheer couple goals and certainly impressive in their ethnic avatar. Check out some more pictures of the couple:
Kapil Sharma wrote on March 18, 2017, “will not say she is my better half…she completes me…love u ginni…please welcome her…I love her so much”.
Will not say she is my better half .. she completes me .. love u ginni .. please welcome her .. I love her so much:)
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) March 18, 2017
We have finally got our hands on the newly married couple’s photo, in which they look lovely together. In the photo, Kapil is seen wearing a dark green colored sherwani with a golden colored turban. He teamed it up with green jewelry. Whereas Ginni wore a red lehenga with heavy embroidered blouse. She teamed her outfit with heavy jewelry.
The couple will be hosting a wedding reception on December 14, 2018 in Amritsar.
Heartiest Congratulations to Kapil and Ginni!