Kapoor family’s pillar of strength Krishna Raj Kapoor, wife of legendary actor Raj Kapoor, passed away today after suffering a cardiac arrest; she was 87. Her eldest son and veteran actor Randhir Kapoor confirmed the news, “My mother passed away at about 5 am today due to cardiac arrest…old age was another factor. We are deeply saddened by her demise.”
Krishna Malhotra, a sister of another popular Hindi films actors Prem Nath and Rajendra Nath. she married Raj Kapoor in 1946.
Randhir added that the last rites will be performed at Chembur crematorium. Rishi Kapoor’s daughter Ridhima also posted a tribute to her grandmother even as Bollywood came together to say an emotional goodbye to “Krishna aunty”. While Soha Ali Khan remembered her as an “incredible personality full of life and passion and with never a hair out place”, Farah Khan called her “the most beautiful lady of our industry”.