
3 Must-know beauty benefits of neem!

Neem besides being extremely healthy for your body has incredible skin benefits.

Here are 3 Must-know beauty benefits of neem.

1. Natural acne treatment

Neem is definitely a heaven-sent ingredient when it comes to naturally getting rid of any stubborn acne lurking on your skin. Neem has excellent antibacterial properties that help in protecting your skin against pimple causing bacteria which intend reduces acne. All you’ll need to do is wash your face with neem every day to see efficient results.

2. Helps in treating scalp infection

Neem besides being excellent for your face has hair benefits as well. Using neem on your hair helps in solving any sort of scalp infection present and leaves you with lustrously gorgeous hair. All you’ll need for this remedy is to add a few drops of olive oil to a few drops of neem oil and massage it your scalp. Let your hair rest for about 2-3 hours and rinse if of using some cold water. Repeat this hack once a week to see better results.

3. Treats blackheads and whiteheads

Another benefit of using neem is that it helps in reducing your blackheads and whiteheads problem. It also helps in shrinking large pores and works as an ideal exfoliating agent to get rid of impurities and tighten pores. All you’ll need to do is crush some freshly acquired neem leaves and blend it into a paste. Apply that paste all over your face for about 10 minutes and rinse it off.

Contributed by Dhara Shah


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