Shahid and Mira Kapoor are doting parents to the cutest baby girl Misha Kapoor. They both often share her cute pictures and videos on their social media networks. Mira Kapoor had said in an interview last year that they are already planning for their second child. Also, she had mentioned that after having a second child she would decide about having a career.
A few days ago, social media was a buzz when Mira’s latest pictures started making rounds. In the pictures it was very much visible that the beautiful wife and a doting mother Mira was sporting a little bump. Naturally, rumors of Mira’s pregnancy picked up a pace. In the midst of all the rumors what added fuel is Mira’s designer friend Masaba Gupta’s puzzling Instgram post which read, “Two M’s and a Bum #sayhettobey – little M.” As guessed, Masaba refused to speak any further or explain her post, a source close to the couple has confirmed to India’s leading newspaper that Shahid and Mira expecting a baby and she is in her second trimester, halfway through her pregnancy. We all are still waiting for an official announcement from the couple.