
UAE’s original Urdu play on letter-writing to hit the Dubai stage again

After finishing its first phase of international tour, UAE’s Urdu theatre is set to return to its home turf of Dubai. Mian Biwi Aur Wagah (MBW), the UAE’s longest running original Urdu theatre, will be performing its Season 3 in Dubai next month.

“We did eight successful shows in total in Delhi and Karachi, which were received overwhelmingly by people in both the cities. People loved the fact that the UAE has come up with such a novel theatre production. We feel proud as well as humbled that we have been able to represent the UAE as a country where art and culture flourish so beautifully,” said Sheherzad Kaleem, who is heading the production.

H.E. Dr. Ahmed Adbul Rahman AlBanna, UAE Ambassador to India hosting the MBW team at his Delhi office   

MBW is real-life story of a Dubai based Indo-Pak couple, who narrate their real life experiences through letters.

Mohammed Majid, who plays the role of Wagah [the border between India and Pakistan], said that as UAE theatre performers, the group has not only applied a fresh approach to script but also production techniques and performances.

MBW, the production of local community theatre group GOONJ productions, has dedicated all their 2018 performances to the “Year of Zayed”. MBW believes in the mantra of “theatre with a cause,” said Sheherzad.

Pakistan’s Governor of Sindh, Muhammad Zubair as Chief Guest for MBW show in Karachi   

MBW’s Season 3 performance is scheduled on July 6-7, 2018 at the Junction, Al Serkal Avenue. Tickets can be purchased on www.platinumlist.net.


Mian Biwi Aur Wagah
Language: Urdu
Duration : 1hour 45 minutes including 10-min break. 
Written and Performed by: Amna Khaishgi, Ehtesham Shahid, Mohammed
Majid, Faraz Waqar, Sanobar Sabah
Head of Productions: Sheherzad Kaleem
Produced by: Hassan Sheikh


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