3 DIY exfoliation hacks to try for that fresh skin!

Exfoliation in simple terms is extracting a layer of dead skin cells from your face. This summer be sure to bid adieu to all that dead skin by trying out these 3 homemade DIY exfoliators and see an instant change in your skin.

Coffee and honey face exfoliator
Coffee is one of the best natural exfoliators available. It’s sand-grain like structure helps extract all the dead skin gently, as it instantly rejuvenates your skin making it look pristine. The addition of honey in this remedy is to help your skin not lose its natural oils and moisture while exfoliating. All you’ll need for this quick and easy hack is a tablespoon of coffee and add two tablespoons of honey to it and mix it well. Apply it all over your face and scrub it in for about 5 minutes and gently rinse your face and slowly pat your face dry and instantaneously see the difference.

Aloe Vera and Sugar scrub
Aloe Vera is considered as the safest ingredient to use on your skin. It is induced with minerals, that are extremely healthy for your skin. Its most prominent facial benefits include providing moisture to the skin, cleaning up the dead skin cells, fighting acne and many more. Using sugar in this remedy is to take advantage of its grainy structure to help scrub and exfoliate the skin. To get this face scrub you’ll require two tablespoons of Aloe Vera and the same quantity sugar. Mix the two together until the sugar melts in. Apply the mixture to your face in circular motion and rinse it off gently and you’ll find your skin smoother and brighter than before. Always remember to never over-do exfoliation, as it will strip off your natural facial oils.

Green tea sugar scrub
Green tea besides have extraordinary health effects for your body has staggering facial benefits to it. It helps in exfoliating your skin to get rid of your clogged pores and also reduces redness and puffiness of your skin. This recipe also consists of coconut oil which helps leave your skin smoother than ever, along with sugar which is another natural exfoliator. The ingredients required for this recipe is two green tea bags, half a glass of some hot water, one cup of brown sugar and one forth cup of some coconut oil. Add the tea bags to the hot water and let it cool, until then mix the rest of the ingredients together. Once the tea has cooled down add it to the remaining mixture and apply it to your face.

Exfoliation is a gentle technique you can perform at your own living spaces to pamper your skin and rejuvenate it with moisture and a natural glow.

Compiled by Dhara Shah