Recently there were reports about Sanjay Dutt getting injured on the sets of his Kannada film KD. However, while a spokesperson does confirm that an accident did take place during a bomb explosion scene on the set in Bengaluru, it’s revealed that the accident was not a major one and the star is said to be doing fine.
The spokesperson said, “Sanju baba did get injured, but it was a minor accident. There is no serious harm caused. In fact, the situation was brought in control soon, and shooting has even resumed.”
Well, we are glad to know that Sanjay Dutt is doing well. We wish him a speedy recovery. KVN Productions presents KD-The Devil directed by Prem. Starring Dhruva Sarja, Ravichandra, Sanjay Dutt and Shilpa Shetty Kundra the Pan-India multilingual is all set to release in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi.