Shraddha Kapoor, who is currently basking in the success of her recently released Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar has taken to social media to wish her fans and loved ones ‘Happy Gudi Padwa’. Sharing a picture of Gudi hung on the window, the young star posted in marathi: “Happy Gudi Padwa and a prosperous new year. May your house be filled with happiness and excitement”.
Shraddha Kapoor who has upped the hotness quotient with her film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar is enjoying the film’s successful run at the box office. Hailing the actress for her performance, the fans have also loved her fresh chemistry with Ranbir Kapoor in the film.
Meanwhile, Shraddha Kapoor is slated to be featured in Stree 2, one of the highly anticipated films from her roaster.