Legendary Indian doubles tennis players Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi popularly called #LeeHesh, took the internet by storm on Sunday by hinting at a possible reunion! The pair is set to be seen in a unique storytelling of their journey and relationship together, created by none other than award winning directors Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari.
#LeeHesh as they are popularly called, took the internet by storm when they reminisced their legendary 1999 Wimbledon victory and hinted at a possible reunion!
Fans and well-wishers – both from the sports fraternity as well as Bollywood celebrities congratulated them and waited in anticipation to know if they will get to see them playing together again.
The wait is finally over! Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi will be seen in a unique storytelling of their journey and relationship together, created by none other than award winning directors Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari – directing together for the first time! Their story will be unfolded fittingly on the world’s largest OTT platform for South Asian content, ZEE5 Global.
There is lots more in store and some key announcements will be made shortly.
For now, take your seats and get ready for some incredible tennis ‘behind the scenes’ action coming to your screens, soon.
Game on!