Late night scrolling damages your eyes and your skin! It’s a fact

We didn’t see this happening!

We have written before many articles about skincare and how to protect it when you leave your home, but did you know that this protection must extend till your bed? Especially, if you check your phone until you fall asleep. Read more to understand what we are talking about.

Sunscreen is a must-have product for everyone, but now it seems like we have to wear our sunscreen before going to sleep as well. Why is that? It’s because of the blue light. What is blue light and how does it damage your skin. All your questions are answered.

What is blue light?

Blue light is a color in the visible light spectrum that can be seen by human eyes. Blue light is a short wavelength, which means it produces higher amounts of energy.


Where we can find the blue light?

Blue light is everywhere in our world. It used to be that the only source of blue light was from the sun. Now we have brought blue light inside by way of digital screens (found on TVs, Smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, and gaming systems), electronic devices, LED, and fluorescent lighting.


How does blue light affect the skin?

Most of the studies about blue light highlight the damages of the blue light on eyes, but according to a few studies, when a group of volunteers was exposed to blue light and the sunlight in the same period of time, the blue light caused more redness, swelling and hyperpigmentation, especially for those who have deeper skin tones.

There was another study done in 2018 that found that when skin cells in controlled conditions were exposed to blue light, it activated enzymes that broke down collagen. Because of this, we can assume long-term exposure to blue light could lead to quicker wrinkling since we know the loss of collagen can cause fine lines and wrinkles.


How to get the needed protection?

Sunscreens will provide the needed protection, but note that not all sunscreens protect against blue light. Physical blockers with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide help reflect light rays. Iron oxide is also a good physical blocker that reflects visible light, including blue light.