The makers of Thala Ajith’s Valimai have been sharing quite a few updates about the film. After dropping the first motion poster and first-look posters, the makers have finally released the first song from the film. Titled Naanga Vera Maari, it is sung by Yuvan Shankar Raja and Anurag Kulkarni. The lyrics have been penned by Vignesh Shivan.
On Monday (August 2), the makers of Thala Ajith’s Valimai announced that the first song from the film will be unveiled . Titled Naanga Vera Maari, the lyrical video has won the hearts of the fans with its catchy beats and groovy music. The song is sung by Yuvan Shankar Raja and Anurag Kulkarni with its lyrics penned by Vignesh Shivan. In a span of 17 hours, the song has hit 6 million views on YouTube.
The producer of the film, Boney Kapoor, shared the happy news and wrote, “TRENDING ON with MILLION REAL-TIME VIEWS! #NaangaVeraMaari #Valimai #30YearsOfAjithKumar (sic).”
Here is what producer Boney Kapoor shared
A STRIKING 7️⃣ MILLION! 🔥#NaangaVeraMaari from #Valimai ON FIRE 💥➡️…#30YearsOfAjithKumar#AjithKumar @BoneyKapoor #HVinoth @thisisysr @BayViewProjOffl @ZeeStudios_ @sureshchandraa @VigneshShivN @anuragkulkarni_ #ValimaiFirstSingle
— Boney Kapoor (@BoneyKapoor) August 3, 2021