Marking Pan India star Vijay Deverakonda’s birthday, the makers of his highly anticipated Pan India film LIGER (Saala Crossbreed) directed by ace director Puri Jagannadh unleashed hunt theme, a lyrical video. Deverakonda’s remarkable transformation, his intense look and his fighting spirit are well-established in the song. From the Mumbai streets to becoming the champion in Mixed Martial Arts, it’s an inspiring journey. Check it out right here:
Liger is currently in post-production phase. Mike Tyson is making his debut in Indian cinema with the movie where Ananya Pandey will be seen as the leading lady opposite Vijay Deverakonda.
In association with Puri connects, the film is being produced jointly by Bollywood’s leading production house Dharma Productions. Puri Jagannadh, Charmme Kaur, Karan Johar and Apoorva Mehta together are bankrolling the film on a grand scale. The film also stars Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Ali, Makarand Desh Pandey and Getup Srinu.
Vishnu Sarma is the cinematographer, while Kecha from Thailand is the stunt director. Being made in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages, the Pan India Movie is scheduled for release in theatres worldwide on 25th August, 2022.