Adivi Sesh who has created a huge following pan India post Major and HIT2 is now readying for his next Goodachari 2. G2 is the sequel to Goodhachari which was a path-breaking film in the Telugu film industry directed by Major filmmaker Sashi Kiran Tikka. The actor announced the sequel to his hit Goodhachari titled G2 as his next project.
The makers will be releasing a “Pre Vision” video on January 9th by launching it in both Delhi and Mumbai on the same day. The editor of Major Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi will be making his debut as a director with the movie.
Sesh himself penned the story. Three popular production houses join forces for this high-budget Pan India project. TG Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal will be jointly producing the movie under the banners of People Media Factory, Abhishek Agarwal Arts and AK Entertainments India Pvt Ltd. They have earlier given hits like The Kashmir Files, Karthikeya 2 and Major.
The makers have also released a concept poster of the movie that features Adivi Sesh in a black suit holding a machine gun in his hand, indicating he is all set to begin the action.
While the entire story of Goodhachari was set in India, G2 is going to be international. Goodhachari Part 2 will start from where Goodhachari ended in the Alps mountains. The makers want to design double the action compared to an average action film with many new characters joining with the already existing star cast.