TV star Ravi Dubey has been a busy man during the Lockdown! The actor had most recently starred in Badshah and Payal Dev’s song ‘Toxic’ alongside wife Sargun Mehta in a video that was directed by the actor himself and filmed at home by the couple. And now Ravi has released a poem that’s been written and narrated by him. The hard-hitting poem ‘Aankde’ takes a hard look at the entertainment industry’s fixation of measuring success with numbers – from TRPs to box office collections!
Ravi addresses the issue of the entertainment industry’s obsession with numbers and how success is measured by statistics rather than actual skills and talent of the actor or the performers. The actor also talks about how this puts an undue pressure on the artiste. Check out Ravi Dubey’s poem here:
In the four-minute long video, the actor’s poem talks about the effects of the lockdown and Ravi celebrates the actor and his art more than the perks of stardom.