The actor took to Twitter to welcome Esha to the crime-drama series’ team. Ajay Devgn wrote, “Happy to share the news that @Esha_Deol will be joining the journey of Rudra – The Edge Of Darkness. Welcome aboard Esha.”
The forthcoming series marks the digital debut of both the stars, who have shared screen space in movies like Yuva, LOC: Kargil, Cash, Main Aisa Hi Hoon, Insan and Kaal.
The series will soon go into production and will be shot across Mumbai. Produced by Applause Entertainment in association with BBC Studios India, the series is the Indian adaptation of the Idris Elba-starrer hit British series, Luther.
Rudra – The Edge of Darkness is an engaging dark, gritty crime-drama series that would bring together a unique storytelling format and powerful characters. The Omkara actor will don the role of a cop with grey shades for this drama.