The actress has been caste opposite Arjun Kapoor in the film produced by Bhushan Kumar and Shaailesh R Singhand directed by Ajay Bahl
The supremely talented Bhumi Pednekar joins the cast of ‘The Lady Killer’ starring Arjun Kapoor, produced by Bhushan Kumar and Shaailesh R Singh and directed by Ajay Bahl, the dynamic and visionary director of several acclaimed films.
The suspense drama takes audiences through the story of a small town playboy who falls in love with a self-destructive beauty as they embark on whirlwind romance. Laced with thrilling twists and nerve racking suspense, ‘The Lady Killer’, promises to be a delicious blend of unpredictability and entertainment.
The Managing Director and Chairman of T-Series, Bhushan Kumar says, “We are excited to have Bhumi Pednekar join the team of ‘The Lady Killer’. Bhumi’s versatility and raw talent coupled with Arjun Kapoor’s style and persona is a dynamite combination and their fresh chemistry with Ajay’s vision definitely makes this a suspense drama to watch out for.”
Thrilled to embark on the journey says Bhumi Pednekar, “I’m always excited when something new and challenging comes my way and ‘The Lady Killer’ gripped me from the very start. As an artist, this role pushes me out of my comfort zone and gives me a lot to bite into. I can’t wait to start work on the film with Arjun, my director Ajay Bahl and my stellar producers Bhushan sir and Shaailesh sir.”
Producer Shaailesh R Singh adds, “Bhumi Pednekar is a talent to reckon with and brings just the right vibe and flavour to ‘The Lady Killer’. We are extremely happy to have her play the lead alongside Arjun Kapoor. This one is definitely going to be a crazy, enriching ride.”
Says director Ajay Bahl, “There is a rollercoaster of emotions in ‘The Lady Killer’ and for that we needed actors who could ride it every step of the way. I’m so happy to have Arjun Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar essay these roles because not only do they suit it to the T but also bring in their signature styles and flair.
The Lady Killer starring Arjun Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Shaailesh R Singh. The Ajay Bahl directorial is presented by Gulshan Kumar & T-Series in association with Karma Media & Entertainment.v