Kunal Kemmu is back with the third season of the critically acclaimed show Abhay on ZEE5 Global. With a darker and bolder narrative, you know that Kunal’s Abhay Pratap Singh is set to solve cases that will keep you on the edge of your seats. From men who are murdering innocent people to criminals suffering from a mental illnesses, this season of the series has it all that will send chills down the spine. Directed by Ken Ghosh and produced by Zee Studios, the Abhay franchise has created its niche in the thriller genre. While Abhay season 3 will see the return of Kunal Kemmu as the determined cop, along with Asha Negi and Nidhi Singh, this season will also see Tanuj Virwani and Divya Aggarwal share on-screen chemistry with a twist. Divya Aggarwal will be seen playing the role of Harleen alongside Tarun Virwani, who will play the role of Kabir. And together, they will be seen as an adorable social media influencer couple. But their story is not just what they show to the world and involves a deep, dark secret they’ll kill to protect.
Being part of season 3 of Abhay, Divya said, “Watching Abhay 3 will be a different experience. With dark criminals, even intense cases, it’ll be exciting to watch the series, which is equally difficult to imagine and interesting at the same time that it will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
Talking about working with Kunal Kemmu for the first time, Divya said, “ It was an absolute delight to be a part of Abhay 3, and the main reason is Kunal Kemmu. My first scene for the season was shot with Kunal, and I was quite happy that I could pull it off without being nervous. Kunal made all his co-stars comfortable. He greeted us really well on the first day, and I learnt a lot from him during the shoot.”
Divya also said that platforms like ZEE5 Global is an opportunity for actors to make a global presence. “ZEE5 Global as a platform has a wide variety of content to consume. There is not a single genre that they have missed, and that versatility is what makes ZEE5 Global a huge success and a favourite OTT platform for audiences and me too.”
Kunal Kemmu had made his digital debut with the show’s first season. Battling his inner demons, Abhay (played by Kemmu) gets involved in a case about two missing kids in the first season. Season 2 turned much darker and had Abhay coming face-to-face with a ruthless and intelligent criminal mastermind (Ram Kapoor). This season, that released on 8th April, is unlike any other as Abhay faces a new breed of evil, a dark force capable of manipulating anyone in the name of a twisted ideological belief. Will Abhay win this battle with death? Wait to find out!