You featured in a music album recently. Tell us about it
Yes! It was my first experience doing something like it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Big Bang team was fab to work with, and I think, captured who I am so well through the video. I thought it was a kick ass concept bringing 5 bad ass ladies together to showcase empowerment in such a fun and unique way.
Would you consider being an actor sometime in life?
Honestly, it’s still a no. I’m not one to shy away from the cameras or the limelight, but I want to do things that involve me being my authentic self.
What plans for MFN next season?
This pandemic has put quite a damper on our plans, but we have some big things in store for our comeback in the next couple of months! We look forward to being back in Dubai and bringing forth our baddest event yet.
How have you managed the lockdown and stayed fighting fit?
I feel very fortunate. Some of the stories of what people have been through over the past year or more now are terrible. I choose to count my blessings everyday and take this time to focus on bettering myself as much as I can. MMA Matrix, the gym I founded, has been my escape and has allowed me to keep my well-being above all.
What is your favourite food indulgence?
Pizza for savoury and Nutella for sweet… I could eat both for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on repeat everyday if there were no repercussions!
How do you motivate others to stay fit?
Fitness is a very personal journey and I’m not one to preach… I honestly stay focused on my own path and what I need to do everyday to be better than I was yesterday, and if that motivates people along the way, then I consider that a great accomplishment in itself.
Your own story of fitness is inspirational. When was the turning point?
My turning point would have to be when I was 23 years old (5.5 years ago) and going through my first (and only) heartache. After putting him above myself for 3 years, I was finally able to divert all that energy towards my own self. The rest is history.
Memories of Dubai ?
Way too many! Dubai is like my second home. Every time I go, I meet some amazing people, see the most amazing things and places, and above all, eat the most delicious food ever! What more do you need? I love it.
Your future projects?
I hate to keep all my eggs in one basket, so you’ll constantly see me doing many different things in different fields, but I’ll always keep it real to who I am at my core.
You have two very successful actors in the family. What is it that you admire about about them?
What I admire most about dad would probably be his free spirited nature—the fact that he’s able to adapt to any person or setting and owns it each and every time. What I will forever admire about Tiger and continue to strive to learn from him is his incredible drive to be the best. Having him as my elder brother is the only motivation I need to do better everyday.